Why Quantum?
Quantum physics reveals that there are limitless possibilities available within a vast field of potential. This field is waiting for you to tap into it! It is both inside of you and all around you! To your very core, you are a quantum being!
To harness your quantum-self and the field, it is essential to understand the key principles that govern the quantum and how to consciously work with them!
Unconscious – Sub-Conscious – Conscious – Super Conscious – Quantum Conscious
Imagine the ability to plug into the quantum field and access infinite possibilities for creating your optimal life…
What is Quantum Learning?
Quantum Learning is an easy to follow, step-by-step process that helps you discover how to access and harness the limitless potential that exists within you. We take you further in your comprehension and ability to truly influence this mysterious quantum realm.
Our Quantum Learning methods are based on modern scientific principles combined with ancient wisdom and practical applications that guide you through a paradigm-shifting journey. A journey to discover your quantum self!
The key to influencing the quantum field rests within your consciousness! It begins with education that opens your awareness to greater possibilities… It deepens with a shift in mindset to a quantum framework for understanding yourself and the world … It integrates into your life through the process of opening up and rewiring your neural pathways for a super-learning experience… a Quantum Learning experience!
Reaching beyond the confines of limited and outdated Newtonian thinking, our Quantum Learning methods establish a whole-system coherence throughout your entire being, bringing deep healing and awakening. This opens the door to higher states of consciousness that grant you access to the quantum realm.
If you are ready to go to your next level of understanding, accessing peak potential, and creating your optimal life, we invite you to step onto the Quantum Learning journey with us!
As Seen In:

iQuantum In-Person Retreat
Experience the best of modern science, ancient wisdom, and biofield healing modalities to catalyze your conscious evolution.
Step into an exclusive and deeply intimate event crafted for both longtime followers of Dr. Theresa Bullard’s transformative work and newcomers seeking to embark on their journey of exploration.
Whether you’re well-versed in Dr. Bullard’s teachings or possess a curious spirit eager to transcend the boundaries of reality, this event is curated to resonate with you at every stage of your personal evolution.
With limited spaces available and exclusive early bird pricing, seize this opportunity to unlock your boundless potential and leave a positive mark on the world.

"You are one of my heroes in life."
“I’ve known you for a long time. I’ve watched you overcome, succeed, struggle through and stand on top of those mountains. And I would tell anyone, if you’re looking for someone who can guide you to a better place, you my dear [Dr. Theresa], are one of those very few people with that knowledge who can really help people, so thank you.”
– Dave Lanyon
Author, lecturer, leader, Sovereign Ipsissimus in the Mystery School Lineage.

"It's an important conversation and you are such a master at what you do."
“I love the way that you are bridging so many of the ancient and the mystical traditions with the best science of the modern world, two very different languages. But they’re both telling us the pretty much the same thing in the sense that we are not what we have been told, number one, and we are more perhaps than we’ve ever even allowed ourselves to imagine. I think that’s a powerful and very timely message for our global family.”
– Gregg Braden
Five-time New York Times best-selling author, scientist, educator and pioneer in the emerging paradigm bridging science, social policy and human potential.

"Thank You."
“Thank you Theresa for your sharing wisdom, your knowledge, and all the beautiful work that you do.”
– Elena Bensonoff
Founder of Wholistic, Quantum Medicine Expert, Author, Teacher

"It’s so beautiful to have voices like yours in the scene that can provide guidance for the next generations."
“Dr. Theresa I am so excited to have you here. The intersection of where you’re working is a very sacred place in the world right now, which is [the intersection of] science and spirit. ”
– Emilio Ortiz
Gen-Z host of Just Tap In Podcast

"It's a pleasure to talk to you.”
“You are a very, very, very intelligent scientific figure.”
– Erich von Däniken
Erich von Daniken is arguably the most widely read and most-copied nonfiction author in the world. His works have been translated into 28 languages and have sold more than 65 million copies.

"You have an amazing mind."
“Please continue this great adventure you’re on and helping us connect all the dots. It’s wonderful.”
– Nassim Haramein
World Leader in Unified Physics, Founder of the Resonance Science Foundation

The Quantum Learning Academy (QLA) can be described as the ultimate 21st century Academy of Life. We provide innovative, new-paradigm systems for learning and personal transformation.